Arpita Raut

Assistant Professor
Information Technology

M.E. (Computer Engineering), University of Mumbai 2017
B.E. (Computer Engineering), University of Mumbai 2015


Teaching Experience: 2.5 Years
Technical Papers Published: 03

I developed my interest in teaching at my B.E. level while explaining difficult concepts to students from the syllabus, as a part of classroom activity. I pursued my post-graduation in Computer Engineering from Vidyalankar Institute of Technology. During this tenure, my passion for teaching increased being influenced by my professors. They motivated me to build courage and most importantly confidence not only as a student but also as a faculty at Vidyalankar. My professors inspired me to learn new concepts as their breadth of knowledge sparked a passion for learning as well as teaching. In this way, I started to believe that one day I shall also influence my students the way they do. I acquired more knowledge in my domains such as Databases and Machine Learning during my PG course, with the help of my mentor Dr. Dalal. This helped me to deliver quality content in the class and solve students’ queries to the best of my knowledge that also sufficed students’ satisfaction.

We, at Vidyalankar, are committed to make our students bloom in all aspects of life, be it technical, personal, social, or ethical. Along with teaching, I am actively involved in various committees such as Internship Cell, FYPQA and NSS. As an Internship Co-Ordinator, my role is to motivate students to take up internships right from the first year of engineering. We encourage students to take up internship in various small- and large-scale companies as well as startups. As a project coordinator, I get a chance to interact and motivate students to make quality projects. Working on quality projects makes them industry ready. I have inclination towards working for social causes since my childhood. The seeds of this inclination were sowed by my mother. To quench this thirst, the NSS committee is the right place for me. My decision to join NSS committee has been indeed fruitful. It gives me a platform where I can actively participate in various events organized by NSS like adopting Wadala railway station as a cleanliness drive, books and stationery donation drive, clothes donation drive, NSS camps and much more. These events aim to instill an idea of social welfare and a sense of social responsibility among students.

There are many challenges that impact a teacher’s ability to reach students. Learning about these limitations has never refrained me from being an educator. Rather, understanding these hurdles has motivated me to keep moving forward. These realities have inspired me to try even harder with each step that I take in my journey to become a good teacher.

Vidyalankar is not only about evolving students technically, but it is also about inculcating the importance of being an outstanding student and a responsible person inside as well as outside the classroom.